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Archives of Memory: Supporting Traumatized Communities Through Narration and Remembrance

In the experience documented in this volume, history represents the important component of a more complex interdisciplinary intervention, one where the principal prospective was, and still is, the psychological recovery/support of a community. In what way does history and its guarantors fit into this project? In many ways, and a large part of this volume exemplifies and bears witness to some of these, since all of the contributions were written by historians and anthropologists.

  • Beyond the Archives of Memory by Natale Losi
  • Memory Telling, Individual and Collective Identities in Post-War Kosovo: The Archives of Memory by Silvia Salvatici
  • After the Exile: Displacements and Suffering in Kosovo by Annie Lafontaine
  • Violence Following Violence by Anton. K. Berishaj
  • The Archives of Memory: Specific Results from Research in Serbia by Nicola Mai
  • Migration and Cultural Encounters: Kosovar Refugees in Italy by Giuseppe De Sario, Laura Corradi, Patricia Ruiz, Enrica Capussotti
  • An Afterthought on a Work in Progress and a Forethought towards Its Future by Luisa Passerini