Annual Report 2020
The Annual Report 2020, encapsulates the full range of IOM’s operations during the year to support migrants, displaced populations and other people on the move, as well continued work to realize the benefits of safe, orderly and regular migration.
The Annual Report is reflective of an extraordinary year, in which IOM adapted and responded to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic caused major disruption, including unprecedented restrictions to global mobility, and left many millions of migrants and displaced populations in a more vulnerable position. During the year, IOM implemented COVID-19-related operations in 140 countries to ensure that migrants, displaced populations and communities had access to COVID-19 services, and responded to the large number of migrants left stranded across the world, in addition to continuing existing humanitarian and relief programming. At the same time, IOM continued to invest in its own institutional development, and further strengthened UN cooperation across the world, including through coordination of the United Nations Network on Migration.
The Annual Report is available in printable PDF only in English. It was issues as document C/112/INF/1 at the 112th Session of the IOM Council.
Download the Highlights of the 2020 Annual Report here.
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- Box 1. IOM COVID-19 preparedness and response
- Humanitarian response and resilience
- Box 2. IOM global report on operations and emergencies
- IOM life-saving and crisis response
- Box 3. Principles for humanitarian action
- Box 4. Protection from and response to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment
- Addressing the drivers of displacement and mobility and promoting peace
- Cohesive societies for community resilience and sustainable development
- Box 5. IOM’s contribution to sustainable development
- Box 6. Gender equality and mainstreaming
- Mobility
- Box 7. Tracking the mobility impacts of COVID-19
- Regular and orderly migration
- Box 8. Support to stranded migrants
- Safe migration
- Box 9. COVID-19 vaccination
- Box 10. First line of defence – Global Migration Health Assessment Programme
- Governance
- IOM participation and leadership in the United Nations system
- Box 11. Start-up Fund for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Migration MPTF)
- Whole-of-government approach
- Box 12. IOM Development Fund
- Whole-of-society approach
- Data and evidence
- Policy capacity and knowledge management
- Media and communications
- Results-based management
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Risk management
- Box 13. Disability inclusion
- Human resources
- Human resources management
- Staff capacity, skills, and training
- Staff welfare
- Consistent conditions for staff
- Diversity and inclusion and staff representation
- Staff security
- Box 14. Informal conflict resolution
- Transparency and accountability
- Standards of conduct
- Box 15. Environmental sustainability
- Data protection
- Procurement and supply chain effectiveness
- Privileges and immunities