Community, Rights and Gender Barriers Relating to Tuberculosis Prevention and Control among Migrants and Mobile Populations in the Greater Mekong Subregion

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Community, Rights and Gender Barriers Relating to Tuberculosis Prevention and Control among Migrants and Mobile Populations in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Tuberculosis (TB) is a social disease – and migration, as a social determinant of health, may increase TB-related morbidity and mortality among migrants and the communities in which they live. Across the countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), migrants face various barriers to accessing TB detection and treatment services. The Global Fund Strategy 2023–2028 highlights the importance of human rights, gender equality and community engagement, and of addressing the social determinants of TB, through a package of comprehensive and quality TB services. Further analysis of available evidence relating to the community, rights and gender (CRG) dimension of migration and TB in the GMS is therefore needed to ensure that TB programmes in the region are more responsive to the needs and rights of affected communities, contributing to the elimination of TB among migrants, as well as the broader population. This report reviews existing CRG literature, with a specific focus on TB among migrants in the GMS, and categorizes available information, remarking on the country-specific situation in terms of migration, TB burden, key and vulnerable populations for TB, the stigma attached to TB, and human rights-related and gender-based barriers to TB services. The report proposes a set of recommendations, to be considered at the regional and country levels, based on the findings of the review.

  • Foreword
  • Figures and Tables
  • Acronyms
  • Glossary
  • Executive Summary
  • Chapter One
    • 1. Introduction
      • 1.1. Tuberculosis in the Greater Mekong Subregion
      • 1.2. Migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion
      • 1.3. Tuberculosis and migration
      • 1.4. Gender and tuberculosis
      • 1.5. Human rights and policy
      • 1.6. Stigma and discrimination
      • 1.7. Purpose of the report
      • 1.8. Objectives
  • Chapter Two
    • 2. Methodology
      • 2.1. Methodology
      • 2.2. Definition of “migrant”
      • 2.3. Limitations
  • Chapter Three
    • 3. Findings
      • 3.1. Overview
      • 3.2. Country profiles
        • 3.2.1. Cambodia
        • 3.2.2. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
        • 3.2.3. Myanmar
        • 3.2.4. Thailand
        • 3.2.5. Viet Nam
  • Chapter Four
    • 4. Conclusion and recommendations
      • 4.1. Conclusion
      • 4.2. General recommendations
      • 4.3. Country-specific recommendations
        • 4.3.1. Cambodia
        • 4.3.2. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
        • 4.3.3. Myanmar
        • 4.3.4. Thailand
        • 4.3.5. Viet Nam
  • Bibliography