Local Migration Governance Indicators | Profile 2022 | County of Mombasa (Swahili)
Local Migration Governance Indicators | Profile 2022 | County of Mombasa (Swahili)
Waraka huu unatokana na tathmini ya Viashiria vya Usimamizi wa Uhamiaji katika Eneo Mahususi (MGI) huko Mombasa na unatoa maelezo mafupi kuhusu maeneo yaliyoendelezwa sana ya miundo ya usimamizi wa uhamiaji katika mji huo, pamoja na maeneo yenye uwezo wa kuweza kuendelezwa zaidi, kwa mujibu wa tathmini ya MGI ya eneo hilo. Wajibu wa miji na manispaa katika usimamizi wa uhamiaji umeongzeka sana katika miongo michache iliyopita, ukizingatia ukuaji wa kasi wa miji na umuhimu wa miji kama mahali wanakoelekea wahamiaji na wafurushwaji wa namna mbalimbali. Zikizingatia hili, katika mwaka wa 2016, Nchi Wanachamwa wa Umoja wa Mataifa ilipitisha Ajenda Mpya ya Mijini (NUA) katika Kongamano la Habitat III huko Quito (Ecuador). Kupitishwa kwake kulikuwa utambuzi mkubwa wa wajibu wa serikali za mtaa si tu katika kusimamia uhamiaji katika eneo hilo mahususi lakini pia katika kuafikia vipengele vya miji vya Ajenda ya 2030 ya Maendelleo Endelevu, vinavyojumuisha, lakini si tu, Lengo la Maendeleo Endelevu la 11, ambalo lilikusudiwa kuifanya miji na makazi ya binadamu kuwa jumuishi, salama, thabiti na endelevu. Katika juhudi za kuunga mkono majadiliano baina ya viwango mbalimbali vya serikali kuhusu usimamizi wa uhamiaji, IOM imetumikiza MGI katika kiwango cha eneo mahususi ( MGI ya eneo mahususi).
This document is the result of the Local Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) assessment in Mombasa and summarizes the well-developed areas of the city’s migration governance structures, as well as the areas with potential for further development, as assessed by the Local MGI. The role of cities and municipalities in migration governance has grown significantly in recent decades, given the rapid pace of urbanization and the importance of cities as destinations for all forms of migration and displacement. With this in mind, in 2016, UN Member States adopted the New Urban Agenda (NUA) at the Habitat III Conference in Quito (Ecuador). Its adoption was a significant recognition of the role of local governments not only in the management of migration at the local level but also in realizing the urban dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including, but not limited, to Sustainable Development Goal 11, which has been designed to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. In an effort to support the discussion between different levels of governments on migration governance, IOM has adapted the MGI to the local level (Local MGI).
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- Objectives
- Acronyms
- Introduction
- Context
- Key findings
- COVID-19 Analysis
- Key sources
- Annexes