Local Migration Governance Indicators | Profile 2022 | City of Freetown

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Local Migration Governance Indicators | Profile 2022 | City of Freetown

This document is the result of the Local Migration Governance Indicators (MGI) assessment in Freetown and summarizes the well-developed areas of the city’s migration governance structures, as well as the areas with potential for further development, as assessed by the Local MGI. 

The role of cities and municipalities in migration governance has grown significantly in recent decades, given the rapid pace of urbanization and the importance of cities as destinations for all forms of migration and displacement. 

With this in mind, in 2016, United Nations member States adopted the New Urban Agenda at the Habitat III Conference in Quito (Ecuador). Its adoption was a significant recognition of the role of local governments not only in the management of migration at the local level but also in realizing the urban dimensions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This includes, but is not limited to, Sustainable Development Goal 11, which has been designed to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 

In an effort to support the discussion between different levels of governments on migration governance, IOM has adapted the MGI to the local level (Local MGI).

  • Objectives
  • Introduction
  • Context 
  • Key findings
  • COVID-19 Analysis
  • Key sources
  • Annexes