Diaspora Mapping Toolkit

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Diaspora Mapping Toolkit

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The Diaspora Mapping Toolkit builds on IOM’s rich experience of over 150 diaspora mappings implemented across diverse contexts, this Toolkit presents a systematic, comprehensive yet very flexible and agile approach to conducting diaspora mappings in differing contexts. By following the proposed clear guidance on how to collect and analyse data on diaspora communities, decision makers will have the possibility to create more strategic and evidence-based policies empowering diaspora members to contribute and engage thus maximizing their contributions to development.


This innovative Toolkit is the first global guidance tool bringing together a myriad of experiences from the field, the expertise of practitioners and high scientific rigour. This methodology successfully piloted in Ecuador, Eswatini and Senegal, covers all possible data collection methods, starting from qualitative studies based on key informants and focus groups all the way to capturing substantial amounts of quantitative data on diasporas. This Toolkit crystalizes IOM’s commitment to developing effective, inclusive and data-based policies. Each component reflects a rigorous and standardized approach to policymaking, taking into consideration the specificities of each territory, the dynamics on the ground and the multiple stakeholders interacting with transnational communities. 


  • Foreword 
  • 1 Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting Diaspora Mapping 
    • List of Figures
    • List of Tables
    • List of Textboxes
  • Introduction to the Diaspora mapping toolkit 
    • Why this Toolkit?
    • Who can or should use this Toolkit?
    • What does the Toolkit include?
    • How should this Toolkit be used?
    • Conceptualizing the diaspora
  • A. Part 1 Conceptualizing the diaspora mapping
  • Decision 1: What are the objectives or goals of the diaspora mapping?
    • Objective One: Understanding the composition and distribution of a specific population
    • Objective Two: Engaging the diaspora in an ongoing communication and engagement strategy
    • Objective Three: Collecting information to inform and sensitize (future) policy or programming
    • Objective Four: Constructing a database or roster of selected diaspora members
  • Decision 2: What is the unit of analysis?
    • Scope component 1: Population of focus
    • Scope component 2: Geographical focus
  • Decision 3: What is the timespan of the study?
    • Time component 1: Study time frame
    • Time component 2: Timing of study components
  • B. Part 2 Methodologies and methods for diaspora studies
  • Decision 1: What methodology would be most appropriate?
    • Criteria 1: Repeatability/standardization of study procedures
    • Criteria 2: Principles of research quality
    • Criteria 3: Implementation modalities
  • Distinguishing leading methodologies
  • Decision 2: Selecting the diaspora study team
    • Consideration 1: What roles are needed in the study team?
    • Consideration 2: What capacities are available in house?
  • Decision 3: How do I maintain alignment throughout implementation?
    • Consideration 1: What ethical dimensions should be considered?
    • Consideration 2: How should implementation be monitored?
    • Consideration 3: When and how should I make changes to the study design?
  • C. Part 3
  • Analysing and communicating results of diaspora mappings
  • Decision 1: How do I select the “right” method(s) of analysis?
    • Consideration 1: Match to the audience or end user
    • Consideration 2: Ensuring rigourousness of results
  • Decision 2: How do I communicate results?
    • Consideration 1: Ensuring responsible representation of results
    • Consideration 2: Aligning audience, messaging and platform
  • 2 Core Module
    • Indicators and Questions for Diaspora Mapping
  • 3 Objective-Specific Modules of Indicators and Questions for Diaspora Mapping
  • A. Economic Capital Module
    • Indicators and Questions for Diaspora Mapping
  • B. Human Capital Module
    • Indicators and Questions for Diaspora Mapping 
  • C. Cultural Capital Module
    • Indicators and Questions for Diaspora Mapping 
  • D. Social Capital Module
    • Indicators and Questions for Diaspora Mapping
  • 4 Method-Specific Module for Diaspora Mapping
  • A. Method Specific Module for Diaspora Mapping 
    • List of Figures
    • List of Tables
    • List of Textboxes
  • Quantitative Methodologies 
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What are its main components?
    • 2.1. Intuition
    • 2.2. Primary quantitative research methods
    • 2.3. Survey design
    • 2.4. Sampling
    • 2.5. Data collection
    • 2.6. Data analysis, dissemination and visualization
    • 2.7. Practical and ethical considerations
  • 3. Conclusion
    • 3.1. When does the method shine?
    • 3.2. What are the limitations?
  • Appendix A Surveys
    • Appendix A.1 Core module survey
    • Appendix A.2 Economic capital module survey
  • B. Method-Specific Module for Diaspora Mapping
    • List of tables
    • List of figures
    • List of textboxes
  • Qualitative Methodologies 
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What are its main components?
    • 2.1. Intuition
    • 2.2. Tools of the method
    • 2.3. Sampling
    • 2.4. Data collection - Aspect of access to the community
    • 2.5. Data analysis, dissemination and visualization
    • 2.6. Practical and ethical considerations
  • 3. Conclusion – Rigor in qualitative research
    • 3.1. When does the method shine?
    • 3.2. What are the limitations?
  • Appendix A Interview guide
  • Appendix B Focus group discussion guide
  • Appendix C Template information sheet
  • Appendix D Template informed consent form
  • C. Method Specific Module for Diaspora Mapping
    • List of Tables
    • List of Figures
    • List of Textboxes
  • Secondary Data 
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Literature review
    • 2.1. Intuition
    • 2.2. Searching and selecting literature
    • 2.3. Evaluating and synthesizing sources
    • 2.4. Writing up
    • 2.5. Strengths and weaknesses
  • 3. Secondary quantitative data: Administrative data, censuses and surveys
    • 3.1. Intuition
    • 3.2. Sources of quantitative secondary data
    • 3.3. Definitional issues
    • 3.4. Data analysis, dissemination and visualization
    • 3.5. Strengths and weaknesses
  • 4. Big data and onomastics
    • 4.1. Intuition
    • 4.2. Different sources of big data
    • 4.3. Big data mining: Onomastics
    • 4.4. Strengths and weaknesses
  • 5. Diaspora organization mapping
    • 5.1. Intuition
    • 5.2. Definition and types of diaspora organizations
    • 5.3. Organizational mapping process
      • Step 1: Public organizational rosters
      • Step 2: Social media sites
      • Step 3: Outreach to personal contacts
    • 5.4. Combination with other tools
  • Appendix A Literature review template
  • Appendix B Diaspora organization mapping
  • References