World Migration Report 2020 (Swahili): Chapter 2
World Migration Report 2020 (Swahili): Chapter 2
Sura hii inatoa muhtasari wa data na mienendo ya ulimwengu mzima ya wahamiaji wa kimataifa na uhamiaji wa kimataifa. Pia inatoa majadiliano kuhusu vikundi maalum vya wahamiaji - yaani wafanyikazi wahamiaji, wakimbizi, waomba hifadhi na wakimbizi wa ndani - pamoja na pesa zinazotumwa. Zaidi ya hayo, sura hii inaangazia ongezeko la data ya kiprogramu na data nyingine za IOM, hasa juu ya wahamiaji waliopotea, usaidizi wa kurejea nyumbani kwa hiari na kujumuishwa tena katika jamii, utoaji wa makazi mapya, ufuatiliaji wa waliofurushwa na biashara haramu ya usafirishaji wa binadamu.
Makadirio ya sasa ni kwamba kuna wahamiaji milioni 272 wa kimataifa ulimwenguni (au 3.5% ya idadi ya watu duniani). Huku idadi kubwa ya watu ulimwenguni ikiendelea kuishi katika nchi ambayo walizaliwa, watu wengi zaidi wanahamia nchi zingine, hasa zile zilizo katika ukanda wao. Wengine wengi wanahamia nchi zenye mapato ya juu ambazo ziko mbali zaidi. Kazi ndiyo sababu kuu ya watu kuhama kimataifa, na wafanyikazi wahamiaji huchangia idadi kubwa ya wahamiaji wa kimataifa ulimwenguni, huku wengi wakiishi katika nchi zenye mapato ya juu. Ufurushwaji kote ulimwenguni umefikia kiwango cha juu sana, huku idadi ya wakimbizi wa ndani ikiwa zaidi ya milioni 41 na idadi ya wakimbizi ikiwa karibu milioni 26.
This chapter provides an overview of global data and trends on international migrants and international migration. It also provides a discussion of particular migrant groups – namely migrant workers, refugees, asylum seekers and IDPs – as well as of remittances. In addition, the chapter highlights the growing body of IOM programmatic and other data, particularly on missing migrants, assisted voluntary returns and reintegration, resettlement, displacement-tracking and human trafficking.
Current estimates are that there are 272 million international migrants globally (or 3.5% of the world’s population). While the vast majority of people in the world continue to live in the country in which they were born, more people are migrating to other countries, especially those within their region. Many others are migrating to high-income countries that are further afield. Work is the major reason that people migrate internationally, and migrant workers constitute a large majority of the world’s international migrants, with most living in high-income countries. Global displacement is at a record high, with the number of internally displaced at over 41 million and the number of refugees at nearly 26 million.