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Technical Needs and Capacity Assessment for Migration Governance in Zimbabwe

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Zimbabwe is implementing a migration governance project, Promoting Migration Governance in Zimbabwe, which seeks to contribute to the establishment of a migration governance framework in Zimbabwe that supports State and non-State actors to manage migration in a migrant-centred, gender-sensitive, rights-based and development-oriented manner. As part of the project, IOM commissioned a migration governance technical needs and capacity assessment in order to: (a) better understand the existing national migration institutional and policy frameworks, gaps and overlaps; and (b) proffer recommendations for strengthened migration governance systems and processes. The assessment was rooted in the principles and objectives of the IOM Migration Governance Framework, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union Migration Policy Framework.

The migration governance technical needs and capacity assessment report summarizes the migration institutional and policy frameworks, regulatory structure and coordination mechanism, which are part of the migration governance framework in Zimbabwe. The report notes that migration governance in Zimbabwe is set within legislative instruments enshrined in the national constitution and various pieces of legislation, which include the Immigration Act and the Trafficking in Persons Act, among others. Zimbabwe’s migration-related institutional frameworks include the National Diaspora Directorate and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Secretariat. Zimbabwe’s migration governance structure currently consists of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Migration, which is the overarching migration coordination framework, complemented by sector-specific interministerial committees. The report presents recommendations towards strengthening migration governance in Zimbabwe, which include the establishment of the Sector Policy Review Committee and the National Migration Coordination Directorate.

  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations Executive Summary
  • Chapter 1
  • Introduction and Background
    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 The Migration Context in Zimbabwe
    • 1.3. Promoting Migration Governance in Zimbabwe Project
  • Chapter 2
  • Methodology of the Technical Needs and Capacity Assessment
    • 2.1. Rationale for the Technical Needs and Capacity Assessment
    • 2.2. Objectives of the Technical Needs and Capacity Assessment
    • 2.3. Methodology of the Technical Needs and Capacity Assessment
      • 2.3.1. Migration Governance Framework
      • 2.3.2. African Union Migration Policy Framework
    • 2.4. Migration Governance Stakeholders Consultative Workshop
    • 2.5. Migration Governance Stakeholders Validation Workshop
  • Chapter 3
  • Technical Needs and Capacity Assessment Findings
    • 3.1. Status of Migration Governance in Zimbabwe
      • 3.1.1. Global and Regional Contexts of Legal Instruments on International Migration
      • 3.1.2. Ratification and Domestication of Global and Regional Instruments on International Migration
      • 3.1.3. National Migration Legislation Frameworks
        • Immigration Act
        • Trafficking in Persons Act
      • 3.1.4. Migration Policy Frameworks and Their Implementation Mechanisms
        • National Diaspora Policy
          • Diaspora Sector Analysis
          • Analysis of Constraints in the Sector
          • Recommendations for Strengthening the Operationalization of the National Diaspora Policy
        • Draft National Labour Migration Policy
        • Draft National Immigration Policy
          • Rationale for a National Immigration Policy
        • Other Strategic Policy Frameworks
          • Human Export Policy
          • From Brain Drain to Brain Gain
      • 3.1.5. Migration Institutional Frameworks
        • National Diaspora Directorate
        • Anti-Trafficking in Persons Secretariat
      • 3.1.6. Migration Coordination Frameworks
        • Inter-Ministerial Committee on Migration
          • Analysis of Functionality of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Migration
        • Anti-Trafficking in Persons Inter-Ministerial Committee
        • Assisted Voluntary Returns Inter-Ministerial Committee
        • Migration and Tourism Statistics Committee
          • Analysis of Functionality of the Migration and Tourism Statistics Committee
        • Irregular and Mixed Migration Technical Working Group
          • Analysis of Functionality of the Irregular and Mixed Migration Technical Working Group
        • Labour Migration Technical Working Group
        • Migration Health Inter-Ministerial Committee
        • Cross-border Migration Coordination Forums
          • Analysis of Functionality of the Migration and Tourism Statistics Committee
  • Chapter 4
  • Recommendations to Strengthen the Migration Governance Framework in Zimbabwe
    • 4.1. General Comments and Observations
    • 4.2. Strategies to Strengthen the Migration Governance Framework in Zimbabwe
    • 4.3. Establishment of the National Migration Coordination Directorate
    • 4.4. Location of the National Migration Coordination Directorate
  • Annexes
    • Annex 1: Promoting Migration Governance in Zimbabwe Project Overview
    • Annex 2: List of Participants at Consultative Workshops
    • Annex 3: List of Representatives at Ministerial Meetings