Reasons to Remain (Part 2): Determinants of IDP Integration into Host Communities in Iraq (Arabic)
Nearly five years since the start of the ISIL-conflict and over a year since its official end, 1.8 million Iraqis remain internally displaced, with almost half of them in displacement for more than three years.
As the rate of return slowed in 2018, attention must also be paid to the ways in which IDPs are resolving their displacement in relation to the communities they live in now. Therefore, it is necessary to also understand the dynamics of IDPs in their place of displacement, potentially on a path to another durable solution: local integration.
Thus, in order to better understand what local integration may look like in Iraq, IOM Iraq, the Returns Working Group (RWG), and Social Inquiry implemented a targeted, in-depth study of Sulaymaniyah and Baghdad Governorates.
The purpose of this study is to identify which factors help or hinder local integration, utilizing data on perceptions and living conditions of IDPs displaced for more than three years and data collected from host community residents. The purpose here being to guide strategies and interventions to support both those displaced and those who host them move towards a new dynamic where all are equally woven into the local fabric at large.
The findings highlight that socioeconomic, cultural, and spatial factors at the individual and structural levels matter for integration and acceptance.
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- Executive Summary
- 1. Overview of the Study
- a. Introduction and Aims
- b. Dimensions of Integration In Theory and Practice
- c. Conceptual Framework and Methodology
- d. Profiles of Baghdad and Sulaymaniyah
- 2. IDPs: Feelings of Integration
- a. How to Measure IDP Integration
- b. Household Characteristics
- c. IDP Experiences and Perceptions Vis-à-Vis Their Host Community
- d. Structural and Place Factors of Host Location
- 3. Host Community: Willingness to Accept IDPs
- a. Measuring Acceptance of IDPs
- b. Household Characteristics
- c. Community and Place
- d. Perception and Configuration of IDPs
- 4. Discussion and Recommendations
- a. Putting the Pieces Together
- b. Recommendations