Original Language
Number of Pages
68 pages
Year of Publication

Migration in Romania: A Country Profile 2008

“Migration in Romania: A Country Profile 2008” is part of a series of migration profiles produced by IOM Budapest within the “Black Sea Consultative Process on Migration Management” project, funded from IOM’s 1035 Facility. Migration is one of the most pervasive socio-economic phenomena in Romania since the fall of communism in 1989. Since then, an estimated 10 to 15 per cent of the population has left the country. Remittances were and undoubtedly remain up to this day as one of the main benefits of the increasing outflow of people. Monetary transfers have proved important in financing the trade account deficit while spurring consumption and household welfare of the receivers. The data in the profile show that Romania is a source country for both irregular migrants and victims of trafficking.

  • List of tables and figures
  • Acronym list
  • Foreword
  • Executive Summary: General Assessment of Migrant Issues
  • Immigrants
  • Emigrants
  • Remittances
  • Migrant Communities/diasporas
  • Irregular migration
  • Assessment and analysis of migration issues