Original Language
ISSN 2223-5248
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Migration Policy Practice (Vol. VIII, Number 1, February 2018-April 2018)

The new edition of Migration Policy Practice focuses on issues of refugee resettlement. These have ascended the international policy agenda considerably over the past few years, with a number of new schemes that draw on the principle of regional or international responsibility-sharing, and are being devised with varying success in Europe, North America and other regions of the world.

The first three articles in this special issue, by Kathleen Newland, Gregory Maniatis, Jennifer Bond and Meghan Benton, discuss issues and developments in the design and implementation of large-scale resettlement programmes. These include the financial and administrative implications of such programmes; lessons learned from the Government of Canada’s Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (GRSI), which was officially launched in December 2016; and the benefits and challenges of using new technologies to facilitate refugee resettlement.

The last article, by Davide Mosca, discusses the need to introduce policies and initiatives relating to migrants’ health as a global agenda, both within and beyond the global compact for migration and the World Health Organization Action Plan on the Health of Refugees and Migrants until 2019.

  • Introduction
  • Solon Ardittis and Frank Laczko by Refugee resettlement in an era of large-scale
  • and protracted displacement by Kathleen Newland
  • The Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative:Sharing innovation in resettlement by Gregory Maniatis and Jennifer Bond
  • Using technology to facilitate refugee resettlement by Meghan Benton
  • Advancing migrants’ health as a global agenda: Looking at the global compact for migration and beyond by Davide T. Mosca
  • Publications
  • Call for authors/Submission guidelines