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Migration in Nepal: A COUNTRY PROFILE 2019

This inaugural Migration Profile for Nepal presents the most recent census of Nepal on population and housing, which showed that almost 50 per cent of the country’s household had a member who was either working overseas or has returned. Remittances has been a major contributing factor for the socioeconomic development of the country. The Government of Nepal recognizes the central role that migration plays in its socioeconomic development, and that the issue of migration has been high on the policy agenda in Nepal. Nepal is actively seeking to be able to better leverage the link between migration and development, and committed to working towards achieving the targets in the Sustainable Development Goals and seeking to ensure an enabling policy and institutional environment to support this.

This Migration Profile will be an important tool for evidence-based policymaking and programme planning for policymakers and practitioners, which provides a comprehensive picture and analysis of the migration situation in Nepal, compiling the available migration data across several entities of the Government.