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Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) GLOSSARY

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Migration’s potential contribution to environmental and climate change adaptation has been recognized at both the regional and global levels. Alongside institutional recognition of migration’s relevance to adaptation, however, there is also a need for further empirical research on the link between migration and climate change. The “Migration, environment and climate change: Evidence for policy” (MECLEP) project responds to this need by exploring the main means by which migration can contribute to adaptation strategies.

This Glossary, prepared as part of the MECLEP project, addresses key terms of the two separate but interdependent fields of migration and environmental change. Concepts such as adaptation, resilience and coping came into the picture and must be carefully considered in research and policymaking within the framework of human mobility and environmental change.

The MECLEP Glossary is divided into two parts: The first section focuses on more mobility-related terms, whereas the second links to more environmental and climate change terminology relevant in the context of mobility.

Given the fluid nature of terminology and definitions, this Glossary should be viewed as a working document subject to review and updates. Nonetheless, we hope that stakeholders and researchers alike will see it as a useful resource for future studies and policymaking.