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Migration - Autumn 2009

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Migration offers a variety of articles presenting IOM’s current activities in the field of migration and other related topics which are implemented in various regions of the globe.

Published twice a year, Migration is an update on the Organization’s activities and international migration policy issues. Migration is available in English, French and Spanish.

  • The Moment of Truth-Adapting to Climate Change
  • Azerbaijan’s Sustainable Water Solution - One Kahriz at a Time
  • Haiti Restores Old Waterways for Farm Use
  • Water, Water, Not a Drop to Spare Rural-Urban Migration Highlights Tanzania’s Environmental Challenges
  • Climate Change and Displacement in Bangladesh - A Silent Crisis?
  • Moldovans Feel the Pinch of the Economic Crisis
  • Honduran Migrants and their Families Weather the Global Economic Crisis
  • The Remittance Boomerang: Are Mexican migrants in the United States receiving money from their relatives to tide them over until bountiful times return?
  • Wage Theft and Homelessness: The Plight of Day Labourers in the U. S. Capital
  • Regular or Irregular - Little Difference for North Carolina’s Migrant Agricultural Workers
  • Raised Hopes to End Human Smuggling in East Africa
  • Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal Opt for New Lives Abroad
  • A Cultural Orientation Trainer Who Beat the Odds
  • The Somali Integration Conundrum
  • Sri Lanka’s 26-Year Conflict Ends, Triggers Massive Displacement to Camps
  • Displaced Timorese Families Return Home
  • Former Resistance Fighter Turns Sucessful Entrepreneur