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Year of Publication

International Migration, Vol. 55(4) August 2017

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Carleton University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Carleton University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Editorial
  • Interview with the Honourable Ahmed D. Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Canada
  • Introduction: Cultivating the Migration-Food Security Nexus by Jonathan Crush and Mary Caesar
  • Residential Remittances and Food Security in the Upper West Region of Ghana by Kilian N. Atuoye, Vincent Z. Kuuire, Joseph Kangmennaang, Roger Antabe and Isaac Luginaah
  • Migration, Small Farming and Food Security in the Caribbean: Jamaica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines by Elizabeth Thomas-Hope
  • Food Security at Whose Expense? A Critique of the Canadian Temporary Farm Labour Migration Regime and Proposals for Change by Anelyse M. Weiler, Janet McLaughlin and Donald C. Cole
  • “Back There We Had Nothing to Eat”: The Case of Transnational Food Insecurity by Megan A. Carney
  • Exploring Perceptions of the Food Environment Amongst Congolese, Somalis and Zimbabweans Living in Cape Town by Jo Hunter-Adams
  • South-South Migration and Urban Food Security: Zimbabwean Migrants in South African Cities by Jonathan Crush and Godfrey Tawodzera
  • Remittances and Calorie Consumption Nexus in Algeria by Selçuk Akçay and Alper Karasoy
  • Saving out of Remittances: Evidence from Ethiopia and Kenya by Seife Dendir
  • What Drives Remittances from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan? Home Versus Host Country's Economic Conditions by Muhammad Umair and Abdul Waheed
  • Private Military and Security Labour Migration: The Case of Fiji by Yoko Kanemasu and Gyozo Molnar
  • Italian Scientists Abroad in Europe's Scientific Research Scenario: High skill migration as a resource for development in Italy by Stefano Sbalchiero and Arjuna Tuzzi
  • Father's Labour Migration and Children's School Discontinuation in Rural Mozambique by Scott T. Yabiku and Victor Agadjanian
  • Racialized Labour Market Incorporation? African Immigrants and the Role of Education-Occupation Mismatch in Earnings by Rebbeca Tesfai

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