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International Migration, Vol. 53(6) 2016

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Carleton University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Carleton University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Editorial by Howard Duncan
  • Pre- and Post-Migration Determinants of Socio-Cultural Integration of African Immigrants in Italy and Spain by Tineke Fokkema and Hein de Haas

  • Ethnic Enclaves, Networks and Self-Employment among Middle Eastern Immigrants in Sweden by Lina Andersson and Mats Hammarstedt

  • Beyond Guilt and Stigma: Changing Attitudes among Israeli Migrants in Canada by Brent David Harris

  • Discovering Immigration into Turkey: The Emergence of a Dynamic Field by Juliette Tolay

  • Internal Migration of Ethno-national Minorities: The Case of Arabs in Israel by Nir Cohen, Daniel Czamanski and Amir Hefetz

  • Socio-cultural Adaptation of Second-generation Afghans in Iran by Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi and Rasoul Sadeghi

  • Regulation on Migrant Workers’ Employment in the Israeli Construction Sector by Yoram Ida and Gal Talit

  • Remittances and Energy Consumption: Evidence from Morocco by Selçuk Akçay and Gökhan Demirtaş

  • Children's First Names, Religiosity and Immigration Background in France by Mahmood Araï, Damien Besancenot, Kim Huynh and Ali Skalli

  • Salvadoran Migrants in Australia: An Analysis of Transnational Families’ Capability to Care across Borders by Laura Merla

  • Here or There? Shifting Meanings and Practices in Mother–Child Relationships across Time and Space by Paola Bonizzoni

  • The Industry of Illegal Migration: Social Network Analysis of the Brazil-US Migration System by Dimitri Fazito and Weber Soares

  • Migrant Indebtedness: Bangladeshis in the GCC Countries by Md Mizanur Rahman

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