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International Migration, Vol. 52 (1) 2014

International Migration, Vol. 52 (1) 2014

International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Carleton University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Carleton University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

  • Polish Migration after the Fall of the Iron Curtain by Elżbieta M. Goździak
  • Polish Contemporary Migration: From Co-migrants to Project ME by Jakub Isański, Agata Mleczko and Renata Seredyńska-Abou Eid
  • Labour Market Behaviours of Back-and-Forth Migrants From Poland by Agnieszka Fihel and Izabela Grabowska-Lusinska
  • “Economic Migrants” or “Middling Transnationals”? East European Migrants’ Experiences of Work in the UK by Violetta Parutis
  • The Experience of Labour Emigration in the Life of Married Women: The Case of Podlasie, Poland by Barbara Cieślińska
  • Successful Earners and Failing Others: Transnational Orientation as Biographical Resource in the Context of Labor Migration by Magdalena Nowicka
  • “Aiding Defeated Migrants”: Institutional Strategies to Assist Polish Returned Migrants by Izabela Czerniejewska and Elżbieta M. Goździak
  • Homo Sovieticus Revisited – Anti-Institutionalism, Alcohol and Resistance Among Polish Homeless Men in London by Michal P. Garapich
  • Homelessness Abroad: “Place Utility” in the Narratives of the Polish Homeless in Brussels by Magdalena Mostowska
  • High Mobility of Polish Women: The Ethnographic Inquiry of Barcelona by Izabella Main
  • Polish Immigration in Barcelona: The Sagrada Familia Neighbourhood as an Arena for Interaction by Dawid Wladyka and Ricard Morén-Alegret
  • Fatherhood and Transmission in the Context of Migration: An Irish and a Polish Case by Julia Brannen, Ann Mooney, Valerie Wigfall and Violetta Parutis
  • Migrant Men's Fathering Narratives, Practices and Projects in National and Transnational Spaces: Recent Polish Male Migrants to London by Majella Kilkey, Ania Plomien and Diane Perrons
  • Polish Young Peoples' Narratives: Impacts of Living and Studying in the UK by Jacqui Akhurst, Michal Janik, Margaret Szewczyk, Magdalena Mucha, Helen Westmancoat, Viv Lever and Andreas Walmsley

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