Original Language
ISSN 0020-7985465
Number of Pages
179 pages
Year of Publication

International Migration, Vol. 46(5) 2008

International Migration is a refereed quarterly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited at Georgetown University's Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM) and published and distributed by Blackwell Publishing. The editors at ISIM are responsible for the direction and content of the journal.

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  • Less than Human? Diaspora, Disease and the Question of Citizenship by Ian Harper and Parvathi Raman
  • Migrants, Settlers and Colonists: The Biopolitics of Displaced Bodies by Cristiana Bastos
  • Contagion and its Guises: Inequalities and Disease among Tibetan Exiles in India by Audrey Prost
  • Pachedu-Zenzele in the Diaspora: Promoting Sexual Health Amongst Zimbabweans in England by Martha Judith Chinouya and Eileen O’Keefe
  • Diaspora and Health? Traditional Medicine and Culture in a Mexican Migrant Community by Anna Waldstein
  • The Birth of the African-Irish Diaspora: Pregnancy and Post-Natal Experiences of African Immigrant Women in Ireland by Dianna J. Shandy and David V. Power
  • Complaints, Sensitivities and Responsibility: An Ethnographic Investigation into the Debates Concerning the Care of Bangladeshi Mothers in the East End by Laura Griffith
  • Index
  • Reviewers 2008