Original Language
ISSN 1726-22249
Number of Pages
147 pages
Year of Publication

International Dialogue on Migration No. 9 - Migration and Human Resources for Health: From Awareness to Action

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The seminar on Migration and Human Resources for Health: From Awareness to Action, held in Geneva on 23-24 March 2006, was organized within the framework of IOM’s International Dialogue on Migration in collaboration with the World Health Organization and the International Labour Organization and with the co-sponsorship of the Government of Ireland. The seminar was organized in recognition of the need to gain a deeper understanding of the complex issues and dynamics involved in international migration of health professionals and to move towards a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to human resource management in this sector. The main objectives of the seminar were to bring together a broad range of stakeholders to work together towards effective management of the mobility of health care workers, to review existing policy approaches and discuss innovative strategies to managing the mobility of health professionals and to identify action points to carry the agenda forward.

The seminar brought together government officials from the health, labour and migration sectors, representatives of intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, the private sector and civil society for an open and informal exchange of views on key issues, opportunities and challenges relating to migration and human resources for health. The seminar had particular focus on highlighting the perspectives of non-governmental actors, such as the business sector, diaspora groups, individual migrants, professional organizations and many others, as these stakeholders have important roles to play in issues relating to the mobility of health professionals and need to be actively engaged in the policy dialogue and programming.

This publication includes the materials of the two-day seminar on Migration and Human Resources for Health. It covers a broad range of issues associated with the mobility of health care workers, including the current trends in the migration of health professionals, key challenges in the area of human resources for health and practical approaches to addressing these challenges, including proposals for how the various stakeholders can carry the agenda forward from awareness to action.

  • Foreword
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • Part I: Report of The Seminar
  • Part II: Seminar Agenda
  • Part III: Abstracts of the Speakers’
  • Presentations
  • Annexes