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Indigenous Routes: A Framework of Understanding Indigenous Migration

As migration has not commonly been considered as part of the indigenous experience, the prevalent view of indigenous communities tends to portray them as static groups, deeply rooted in their territories and customs. Increasingly, however, indigenous peoples are leaving their long-held territories as part of the phenomenon of global migration beyond the customary seasonal and cultural movements of particular groups.

Diverse examples of indigenous peoples’ migration, its distinctive features and commonalities are highlighted throughout this report, and show that more research and data on this topic are necessary to better inform policies on migration and other phenomena that have an impact on indigenous peoples’ lives.

  • Introduction
  • Section 1 - Migration and Indigenous Peoples
  • Section 2 - Internal and International Migration of Indigenous Peoples
  • Section 3 - Transborder Indigenous Migration
  • Section 4 - Migration Effects on Indigenous Peoples
  • Section 5 - Indigenous Migrants' Lives
  • Conclusion