The Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns Including Reintegration Measures (AVRR)
This Annual Report on the project the Implementation of Assisted Voluntary Returns including Reintegration Measures (AVRR), covering the period from May 2017 to June 2018, is the second publication following the first annual report of the project (May 2016–June 2017), implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Greece.
AVRR is an indispensable part of a comprehensive approach to migration flows and in Greece, it is fully embedded in the mechanisms set by the Greek authorities for dealing with the management of migration issues.
Through the AVRR programme, IOM Greece provides assistance to irregular migrants, regular migrants, stranded migrants, undocumented migrants with no legal stay in Greece, rejected asylum seekers, asylum seekers who have withdrawn their asylum claim and other persons in situation of vulnerability. The purpose is to support them with the opportunity to return to their countries of origin with safety and dignity, providing the possibility of more reintegration assistance that can respond in some capacity to the immediate needs of returnees and contributes to self-sufficiency upon return, as well as the local development of communities of origin.
Covering in detail all AVRR IOM Greece activities carried out under the second year of the implementation of the project, the publication overviews the procedures followed by IOM Greece and the activities undertaken towards the successful implementation of the project. The activities are described on this report were implemented by IOM Mission in Greece in cooperation with IOM Offices in countries of origin, local stakeholders, international counterparts, diplomatic authorities, Greek authorities, the Ministry of Interior and other collaborative entities.
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- Foreword (Chief of IOM Mission in Greece and Regional Response Coordinator)
- Foreword (Special Envoy of the Director General of IOM to the Government
- of Greece and Advisor of the Regional Director in matters concerning the
- Mediterranean area)
- List of tables, figures and maps
- List of acronyms
- Definitions
- IOM Greece assisted voluntary return and reintegration key highlights, June 2017–May 2018 at a glance
- Chapter 1: International Organization for Migration and assisted voluntary return and reintegration
- 1.1. IOM Greece and assisted voluntary return and reintegration
- 1.2. Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund National Programme 2014–2020
- Eligible beneficiaries
- 1.3. Partnerships
- 1.4. Open Centre for Migrants registered for Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration
- Chapter 2: Information campaign
- 2.1. Raising awareness on assisted voluntary return and reintegration in Greece
- MigApp functions
- Production of information materials
- 2.2. Assisted voluntary return and reintegration activities
- Mainland
- Islands
- Voices of returnees
- 2.3. Capacity-building OF CONTENTS
- Chapter 3: The return process
- 3.1. Procedure
- Chapter 4: The reintegration assistance
- 4.1. Target group and types of assistance in kind
- 4.2. Reintegration assistance process
- 4.3. Cooperation with IOM offices in countries of origin
- 4.4. Various types of reintegration assistance in kind
- Monitoring visit to Morocco
- Monitoring visit to India
- Conclusion
- Annex 1
- AVRR projects since 2010
- Annex 2
- Information provision from islands from 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2018
- Annex 3
- Registrations from islands from 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2018
- Annex 4
- Returns from islands from 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2018