Original Language
ISSN 1726-4030-11
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Dialogue international sur la migration No. 11 - Migrants et sociétés d'accueil: des partenariats prometteurs

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The process of migration is a process of change, for migrants as well as for societies: Migration increases diversity in societies of destination, and novel, more flexible and multidirectional migratory movements accentuate this trend. Integration denotes the process of managing diversity and attaining harmonious relationships between migrants and communities. The process of integration is based on reciprocity between migrants and societies and has a variety of dimensions, including social, economic, legal, cultural and religious. 

As part of IOM’s International Dialogue on Migration, a two-day workshop on the theme of “Migrants and the Host Society: Partnerships for Success” was held in Geneva, Switzerland on 12 and 13 July 2006. Approximately 175 participants and panellists from over 60 countries and various backgrounds (IOs, NGOs, academics and the private sector) came together to share ideas and discuss flexible approaches to integration that stay abreast of the increasingly complex migration patterns. 

This publication provides an account of some of the main issues discussed during the workshop, including the meaning of ‘integration’ in today’s mobile world, its multidimensional nature, as well as policy options for managing integration with a view to ensuring the social cohesion of the host and home communities. In addition, it emphasizes the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders as well as the need for close cooperation and the opportunities for partnerships between and among them.

  • Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • Part I: Workshop Report
  • Part II: Workshop Agenda and Background Paper
  • Annexes