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Compilation of Research Papers Presented at the Conference on National Migration Policy Thematic Areas

According to the 2009 Nigeria migration profile, about 74 per cent of all immigrants living in Nigeria were from other ECOWAS countries. These dynamics of the migratory movements in Nigeria have continued and have sometimes led to stormy discourse on the relationships between migration and development.

Nigeria continues to face challenges in managing its migration due to insufficient research and empirical-based information on trends and patterns of migration in Nigeria to influence policies and interventions. There is an urgent need to increase the knowledge base and understanding of the factors shaping the migration context in Nigeria.

The research conference was conducted to forge a linkage between empirical analysis and contemporary theories in various aspects of migration based on theoretical reflection, and how this can be applied by institutions of government, policy gatekeepers, and other development actors to improve sector-specific and overall management of migration in Nigeria.

This publication is a compilation of six quality research papers presented during the Conference on National Migration Policy Thematic Areas. The papers covered various aspects of migration such as migration and urbanization, human trafficking, migration and development, displacement and internal migration.

The research papers provide empirical knowledge and information on the factors shaping migration issues in Nigeria and recommendations for appropriate interventions to address the challenges of migration in Nigeria.

  • Note
  • List of Figures 
  • List of Tables
  • Agenda 
  • Background Note to the Conference
  • Background Regarding the National Migration Policy
  • Reviewers
  • Paper 1
  • Internal Migration and Socioeconomic Integration in Nigeria
  • Researcher Profiles 
  • Abstract 
    • 1. Background to the Study
    • 2. Methods
    • 3. Results
    • 4. Discussion
  • References 
  • Paper 2
  • Internal Displacement and Cross-border Movement of Nigerian Nationals
  • Researcher Profiles
  • Abstract 
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Forced Migration in Nigeria
    • 3. Forced Mobility: Internal Displacement
    • 4. Climate Change
    • 5. Terrorist Attacks and Ethno-religious Conflicts
    • 6. Forced Eviction and Poor Economic Conditions
    • 7. Gendered Internal Displacement in Nigeria
    • 8. The Linkage and Assessment of Internal Displacement and the ECOWAS Protocol
    • 9. Conclusion, Key Research Gaps and Recommendations
  • References 
  • Paper 3
  • Changing Internal Migration Linkages and Households Economic Support in South-west Nigeria
  • Researcher Profiles
  • Abstract 
    • 1. Introduction 
    • 2. Rural–Urban Migration Dynamics in Nigeria
    • 3. Remittances and Their Impact on Household Economic Development
    • 4. Methods
    • 5. Main Findings
    • 6. Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations
  • References 
  • Paper 4
  • Patterns of Almajiri Migration in Northern Nigeria
  • Researcher Profiles
  • Abstract 
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Dynamics of the Almajiri System in Northern Nigeria
    • 3. Data Source and Method
    • 4. Results
    • 5. Findings from In-depth Interviews with Almajiri Mallams 
    • 6. Discussion, Policy Implication and Recommendations
  • References 
  • Appendix
  • Paper 5
  • Emigration and Labour Market Dynamics in Nigeria
  • Researcher Profiles
  • Abstract
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Unemployment and Emigration in Nigeria
    • 3. How Emigration Affects Employment
    • 4. Results
    • 5. Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
  • References
  • Paper 6
  • New Realities in the Dynamics of Feminization of International
  • Human Trafficking in the Endemic Areas of Edo State, Nigeria
  • Researcher Profiles
  • Abstract 
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Statement of the Problem
    • 3. Objectives of the Study
    • 4. Research Questions
    • 5. Methodology
    • 6. Findings
    • 7. Conclusion
    • 8. Recommendations
  • References