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Year of Publication

Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers (Armenian)

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Caring for Trafficked Persons brings together the collective experience of a broad range of experts from international organizations, universities and civil society in addressing the consequences of human trafficking. Developed with the support of the United Nations Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, and led by IOM and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the handbook gives practical, non-clinical advice to help a concerned health provider understand the phenomenon of human trafficking, recognize some of the associated health problems and consider safe and appropriate approaches to providing healthcare for trafficked persons. This essential tool is available in additional languages.

The Armenian version of the “Caring for Trafficked Persons: Guidance for Health Providers” was published within the framework of UNDP’s “Anti-Trafficking Programme: Capacity Developing Support and Victims Assistance” Phase II”, where IOM was a partner. 


  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Human trafficking
  • Chapter 2: The health consequences of human trafficking
  • Chapter 3: Guiding principles
  • Action Sheet 1: Trauma-informed care
  • Action Sheet 2: Culturally appropriate, individualized care
  • Action Sheet 3: Working with interpreters
  • Action Sheet 4: Comprehensive health assessment
  • Action Sheet 5: Special considerations when examining children and adolescents
  • Action Sheet 6: What to do if you suspect trafficking
  • Action Sheet 7: Protection and security
  • Action Sheet 8: Self-care
  • Action Sheet 9: Patient data and files
  • Action Sheet 10: Safe referrals
  • Action Sheet 11: Urgent care
  • Action Sheet 12: Mental health care
  • Action Sheet 13: Sexual and reproductive health
  • Action Sheet 14: Disability
  • Action Sheet 15: Infectious diseases
  • Action Sheet 16: Medico-legal considerations
  • Action Sheet 17: Interactions with law enforcement
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.