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Assessing Basic Socio-Economic Indicators in Northern Lebanon

RAP for Planning the Development of Vulnerable Communities

In order to address the socioeconomic needs of people in post-conflict settings, IOM carried out the assessment “Assessing Basic Socio-Economic Indicators in Vulnerable Communities: RAP for Planning Development”. Two thousand Lebanese households were targeted in three districts in Northern Lebanon; 1,000 Palestinian households and 1,000 Iraqi households were also surveyed in four camps in Southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley. For this purpose, special tools were designed, translated and validated. 

The assessment aimed at preparing a socioeconomic profile of primary project beneficiaries in the targeted areas, including causes of poverty and vulnerability. It was planned in a way to communicate with community leaders, to establish their perception of the needs in their areas and identify demand and possible response for the development of future projects, which increased the project’s acceptability.

Reports presented demographic, socioeconomic, educational, and health status information that could be used to identify areas where targeted interventions and policy changes may have the greatest impact. Several recommendations were derived from the findings of the assessment and sorted in an integrated approach for planning sustainable community development.

  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Tables and Figures
  • Executive Summary
  • Methodology
  • Findings
    • 1. Socio-Demographic Characteristics of the Sample
    • 2. Households’ Perception of their Current Economic Instability
    • 3. Households’ Perception of Available Primary Health Care Services
    • 4. Households’ Perception of their Children’s Current Educational Situation
    • 5. Households’ Perception of Primary Infrastructure Availability and Access
  • Conclusion and Recommendations