Original Language
Number of Pages
328 pages
Year of Publication

Addressing the Irregular Employment of Immigrants in the European Union: Between Sanctions and Rights

This volume includes five country reports that analyse the scale of illegal employment in general, and particularly focus on the irregular employment of immigrants, and the measures enforced in Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, and Spain. Attention is devoted to the prevention of the irregular employment of foreign workers, protection against the exploitation of workers and punitive measures for violators.

There is a strong tendency to tighten regulatory measures and enforce policing of the irregular employment of migrants. The human rights of irregularly employed migrants are sometimes of secondary importance for policy makers. Little consideration in policy-making is devoted to address the economic factors of irregular employment.

This report is based on the research conducted within the project Combating the illegal employment of foreigners in the enlarged EU, which was funded by the European Commission’s ARGO 2006 programme and implemented by IOM’s Regional Mission for Central and South Eastern Europe in Budapest.