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A Situational Analysis of Aruba's Response to Human Trafficking

This publication, “A Situational Analysis of Aruba’s Response to Human Trafficking,” serves as a discussion and action guide for all those involved to improve Aruba’s response to the crime.  It results from a desire among key stakeholders to better understand and assess actions against this crime. 

The research focuses on Aruba’s institutional response by analysing the actions already put forward and identifying the strengths and weaknesses in laws, policies, procedures, practices and partnerships.  The information presented in the Situational Analysis was gathered by reviewing literature, media sources, laws and government documents, and by interviewing stakeholders and observing the local context.  The research identifies existing structures that could be connected to human trafficking, by either assisting it or hindering efforts against it.  Rather than quantifying Aruba’s human trafficking context, the research offers a range of recommendations to strengthen the national response against the crime.

  • Why the Fight Against Human Trafficking Matters
  • Foreword by the Aruba Anti-Human Trafficking and Smuggling Taskforce
  • Foreword by the International Organization for Migration
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of Tables and Figures
  • List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • Terminology
  • Executive Summary
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Methodology and Reviews
  • 3. Aruba’s Human Trafficking Context
  • 4. Situational Analysis
  • 5. Regional Level
  • 6. Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • Annex A. List of Interviews with Key Stakeholders
  • Annex B. List of Required Documents for the Residence-Employment Permit Application