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Trafficked Third-Country Nationals: Detection, Identification and Protection in Austria

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This report was prepared by the National Contact Point Austria in the European Migration Network (EMN), as a contribution to the EMN study "Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection". The contribution sheds light on the issue of human trafficking in Austria and, after a general introduction, deals in particular with Austrian measures to detect trafficking situations as well as to protect trafficked persons. The impact of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on the issue of human trafficking is also presented. The report covers the following topics:

  • a)  Statistical Overview of human trafficking in Austria
  • b)  Detection and identification of trafficked persons in Austria
  • c)  Protection of (presumed) trafficked persons in Austria
  • d)  Trafficking in human beings and Dublin III procedures in Austria
  • e)  The impact of COVID-19 on human trafficking
  • f)   Austria in the international fight against human trafficking
  • g)  Challenges and good practices

  • Summary 
  • I Introduction 
  • 2 Statistical overview of human trafficking in Austria 
  • 3 Detection and identification of affected persons in Austria 
  • 4 Protection of (presumed) trafficked persons in Austria 
  • 5 Trafficking in human beings and Dublin III procedures in Austria 
  • 6 The impact of COVID-19 on human trafficking 
  • 7 Austria in the international fight against human trafficking 
  • 8 Conclusions