Original Language
ISBN 978-92-9068-468-8
Number of Pages
Year of Publication

Handbook on Establishing Effective Labour Migration Policies in Countries of Origin and of Destination (Armenian)

Recognizing that a comprehensive approach is essential to enhance the positive impact of labour migration, IOM together with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) has jointly prepared the first international “Handbook on Establishing Effective Labour Migration Policies in Countries of Origin and of Destination.”  The aim of the Handbook is to assist the states in their efforts to develop new policy approaches, solutions, and practical measures for better management of labour migration in countries of origin and of destination.  The Handbook addresses the Labour Migration trends and characteristics, the International legal framework for the protection of migrant workers, Issues underlying policy responses in countries of origin and destination, Developing policies in countries of origin to protect migrant workers, Developing policies in countries of origin to optimize the benefits of organized labour migration, Administration of labour migration, Foreign labour admission policies, Post-admission policies, Measures to prevent or reduce irregular labour migration, and Inter-state cooperation.   


The handbook was translated into Armenian within the framework of the EC funded regional programme “Informed Migration – An Integrated Approach to Promoting Legal Migration through National Capacity Building and Inter-regional Dialogue between the South Caucasus and the EU.”