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IOM Continental Strategy for Africa 2020-2024

IOM’s close collaboration with African Member States builds on African Union landmark policy frameworks that shape continental guidance on governing human mobility in all its dimensions. Following on from the launch of the Pan-African Forum on Migration, IOM’s 2020–2024. Continental Strategy on migration provides an excellent opportunity to further develop synergies for more robust migration dialogues and outcomes across regions and with all relevant partners.

The document was conceived to reinforce our joint commitment towards safe, orderly and regular migration within and outside of the African continent. Through multi-stakeholder engagement, it will hopefully give impetus for adaptative measures for better migration management and scale up the positive impact, opportunities and benefits of migration for the whole of society.

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • Tables and figures
  • Acronyms
  • 1. Rationale for the IOM Continental Strategy for Africa 2020–2024
  • 2. Brief overview of Africa’s migration drivers and patterns
  • 3. Cross-cutting issues
    • 3.1. Health
    • 3.2. Climate change and environmental degradation
    • 3.3. Human rights
    • 3.4. Gender and social inclusion
    • 3.5. Data and research
  • 4. Strategic approach
    • 4.1. Governance
    • 4.2. Mobility
    • 4.3. Resilience
  • 5. Key strategic areas in Africa
    • 5.1. Contribute to African economic and social integration through the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and the Free Movement of Persons Protocol
    • 5.2. Increase employment and livelihood opportunities that are gender- and youth-sensitive
    • 5.3. Address challenges related to irregular migration, trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, and ensure protection of the most vulnerable
    • 5.4. Enhance engagement with migrants and the diaspora to contribute to development
    • 5.5. Strengthen governments’ and other key actors’ efforts and capacities to better respond to the drivers of crises and displacement, and to achieve durable solutions
    • 5.6. Contribute to governments’ efforts to address challenges related to climate change and environmental degradation
  • 6. Partnerships
  • 7. Looking forward
  • Annex. Selected data on African migration