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2019 Return and Reintegration Key Highlights

This report gives a broad overview of IOM’s return and reintegration trends, developments and related activities in 2019 with a breakdown of summary statistics on regional and country levels.

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of acronyms
  • Introduction and key concepts
  • 2019 at a glance
  • Chapter 1: Assisted voluntary return and reintegration overview 2019
  • Chapter 2: Assisted voluntary return and reintegration regional highlights
    • 2.1. Asia and the Pacific
    • 2.2. Central and North America and the Caribbean
    • 2.3. East and Horn of Africa
    • 2.4. European Economic Area
    • 2.5. Middle East and North Africa
    • 2.6. South America
    • 2.7. South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
    • 2.8. Southern Africa
    • 2.9. West and Central Africa
  • CHAPTER 3: Voluntary humanitarian return
  • CHAPTER 4: Reintegration overview
  • CHAPTER 5: Regional highlights – reintegration
    • 5.1. Asia and the Pacific
    • 5.2. Central and North America and the Caribbean
    • 5.3. East and Horn of Africa
    • 5.4. European Economic Area
    • 5.5. Middle East and North Africa
    • 5.6. South America
    • 5.7. South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia
    • 5.8. Southern Africa
    • 5.9. West and Central Africa
  • CHAPTER 6: Global, regional and national initiatives
    • 6.1. Global
      • 6.1.1. Reintegration Handbook
      • 6.1.2. Launch of the Return and Reintegration Platform
      • 6.1.3. United Nations Network on Migration – Working Group on Return and Reintegration
    • 6.2. National and regional initiatives: Key achievements presented through press briefing notes and articles
      • Bangladeshi migrants return home from Libya with IOM’s assistance
      • Guatemala to triple reception capacity for its returning migrants at airport
      • IOM partners with Save the Children to assist 600 children in Ethiopia
      • Nearly 17,000 migrants returned voluntarily from Greece in past 3 years
      • EU–IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in North Africa – Regional Launch Event in Egypt
      • IOM and the European Union helping thousands of vulnerable migrants to get home from Turkey
      • Joint Complementary Mechanism for a Sustainable Reintegration in Brazil (SURE)
      • Shielding the vulnerable from violence, IOM assists 57 Malawians from South Africa
      • In the path to adulthood: When unaccompanied migrant children return home
  • References