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Planes de Acción Departamentales de lucha contra la trata de personas 2009 - 2010

As a continuation of the National Integrated Strategy in the fight Against the Trafficking in Persons (2007 – 2012), adopted by the National Government, Departmental Committees have been created to further the fight against this crime. 

This book recounts the achievements of the last three years of the Integrated Program Against the Trafficking in Persons in Colombia. It also sets out the challenges for 2010 in its strategy to decentralize public policy on this issue and also talks of the progress made in the fight against this crime throughout the country.

The book also talks about the work and procedures for creating each of the Departmental Committees around the country and it sets out the Action Plans for the fight against trafficking in persons and shows how Colombia continues to be a pioneer in the fight against this scourge.

  • Presentación
  • Introducción
  • Balance del Proceso de Descentralización de la Política Pública sobre trata de personas 2007 – 2009
  • Actividades de los ejes de Prevención, Asistencia a las Víctimas, Judicialización y Cooperación Internacional
  • Retos para el año 2010
  • Metodología
  • Plan de Acción Nacional
  • Planes de Acción Departamentales
  • Recomendaciones y Consideraciones Finales