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Guide to Selected EU Legal and Policy Instruments on Migration 2008 (Armenian)

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This compilation summarises the most relevant EU acquis documents relating to migration. It provides an overview of the relevant legislation and policy developments.

The EU acquis concerning the short-term entry and admission and departure of third-country nationals is determined to a large extent by the Schengen acquis, which was incorporated into the European Union framework by a protocol attached to the Treaty of Amsterdam.

* The Armenian translation was done with the EU funding, by the Armenia – European Policy and Legal Advice Centre.

  • Introduction
  • A. Entry & Admission
    • I. General Entry Conditions
    • II. Travel Documents
    • III. Refusal of Entry
    • IV. Entry of Minors
    • V. Entry for Specific Purposes
    • VI. Border Checks
  • B. Stay & Residence
    • I. Residence Permits and Residence Status
    • II. Family Reunification
    • III. Non-Discrimination and Integration
  • C. Expulsion, Voluntary Return & Readmission
    • I. Expulsion
    • II. Travel Documents for the Purpose of Expulsion
    • III. Voluntary Return
    • IV. Readmission
  • D. Irregular Migration
    • I. Measures to combat Irregular Migration
    • II. Penal Framework for the Combating of Irregular Migration
    • III. Illegal Employment
    • IV. Marriages and Adoptions of Convenience
  • E. Trafficking
    • I. Penal Framework for the Combating and Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings
    • II. Assistance and Protection of Victims of Trafficking
  • F. Migration Statistics & Data Protection
    • I. Data Collection & Exchange
    • II. Migration Statistics
    • III. Data Protection

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.