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Addressing Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Times of Crisis (Arabic)

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Trafficking in persons and other forms of exploitation occur in times of crisis yet remain largely overlooked in the context of humanitarian response. This briefing document provides contemporary, evidence-based findings indicating that trafficking in persons is not a side effect of crises but is often directly interrelated.

Based on fieldwork that assessed ongoing crises in Iraq and Libya, as well as case studies of man-made and environmental crises in Indonesia, the Philippines, the Mediterranean and more, the briefing document draws on over 120 expert interviews and provides a 20-year reflective analysis of various crises dating back from the 1990s.

The briefing offers a number of recommendations for States, the humanitarian community and the donor community to ensure that counter-trafficking and the protection of vulnerable migrants no longer remain at the margins of humanitarian response efforts.

  • Introduction
  • Part I: Human trafficking and exploitation in times of crisis
    • Why human trafficking is overlooked in times of crisis
  • Part II: Summary of case study key findings
    • Armed conflicts
    • Natural disasters
    • Mixed flows in complex settings
  • Part III: Analysis: Nexus between trafficking and crisis settings
    • Risk factors for vulnerable populations
    • Protection gap
  • Part IV: Recommended response strategy
    • Shared responsibility
    • Recommendations
    • Specific parameters of response: before, during and after
  • - See more at: https://publications.iom.int/books/addressing-human-trafficking-and-exploitation-times-crisis#sthash.LpWva3kw.dpuf