World Migration Report 2013
In 2013, a second High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development (HLD) will be held, presenting the international community with a critical opportunity to focus its attention on how to make migration work for development and poverty reduction. The HLD takes place at an important time, as the international community is seeking to formulate a new agenda for global development as we approach the target year of the Millennium Development Goals in 2015.
The World Migration Report 2013 contributes to the global debate on migration and development in three ways: First, the focus of the report is on the migrant, and on how migration affects a person’s well-being. Many reports on migration and development focus on the impact of remittances: the money that migrants send back home. This report takes a different approach, exploring how migration affects a person’s quality of life and their human development across a broad range of dimensions. Second, the report draws upon the findings of a unique source of data – the Gallup World Poll surveys, conducted in more than 150 countries, to assess the well-being of migrants worldwide for the first time. Third, the report sheds new light on how migrants rate their lives, whether they live in a highincome country in the North, or a low or middle income country in the South. Traditionally the focus has been on those migrating from lower income countries to more affluent ones; this report considers movements in all four migration pathways and their implications for development i.e. migration from the South to North, between countries of the South or between countries of the North, as well as movements from the North to the South.
The first three chapters of the World Migration Report 2013 provide an introduction to the chosen theme ‘Migrant Well-being and Development’, present the current global migration situation across four migration pathways and review existing research on the emerging field of happiness and subjective well-being.
Chapter four presents original findings on migrant well-being from the Gallup World Poll, looking at outcomes on six core dimensions of well-being across the four migration pathways.
The final part draws conclusions and makes recommendations for future initiatives to monitor migrant well-being and the impact of migration on development, with reference to the inclusion of migration in the post-2015 global development framework.
Information Package:
WMR Flyer
Migrant Voices
Key Facts and Figures
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- Editorial Team
- Acknowledgements
- WMR 2013 seminars and working papers
- Boxes, figures, tables and maps
- Acronyms
- Foreword
- Overview
- Chapter 1 - Introduction
- Highlights
- Migration and the development agenda
- Contribution of the report
- Four migration pathways
- Migrant well-being
- Future development framework
- Guide to the report
- Sources of information
- Classification and terminology
- Limitations and provisos
- Report structure
- Concluding remarks
- Chapter 2 - Migration trends: Comparing the four pathways
- Highlights
- Key global statistics
- Four migration pathways
- Migrant origin
- Migrant destination
- World’s top migration corridors
- Main migrant-sending and -receiving countries
- Migration and gender
- Migration and age
- Migration and work skills
- Refugees
- International students
- Key remittance patterns
- World’s top remittance corridors
- In focus: North–South migration
- Trends
- Reliability of data
- Migration drivers
- Potential development impacts
- Concluding remarks
- Chapter 3 - Review of studies on migration, happiness and well-being
- Highlights
- Background
- Methodological challenges
- Implications for development
- Factors influencing well-being
- Income and happiness
- Other factors affecting well-being
- Direction of causality
- Research on migration and happiness
- Migrant well-being compared to that of the destination
- country population
- Migrant well-being compared to that of the country of origin
- population
- Well-being of migrant families back home
- Circumstances of migration
- Concluding remarks
- Chapter 4 - Dimensions of migrant well-being: Evidence from The Gallup World Poll
- Highlights
- Introduction to the gallup world poll
- The scale of international migration reported in the Gallup World Poll
- The profile of migrants in the Gallup World Poll
- Gallup World Poll methodology
- Analytical process
- Gallup’s definition of well-being
- Findings of Gallup World Poll
- Subjective well-being: Evaluative and experiential dimensions
- Financial well-being
- Career well-being
- Community well-being
- Social well-being
- Physical well-being
- Concluding remarks
- Chapter 5 - Conclusions
- Placing migrants at the centre of the debate
- Development is about human well-being
- Migration is not just a South–North phenomenon
- Migration improves human development, but many migrants still struggle to achieve satisfactory levels of well-being
- Comparing the well-being of migrants with that of similar
- people in the country of origin
- Comparing the well-being of migrants with that of the native-born
- Way forward and post-2015: Developing a global barometer of migrant well-being
- Bibliography
- Glossary of key terms