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Regional Overview: Survey on the Socioeconomic Effects of COVID-19 on Returnees and Stranded Migrants in Central Asia and the Russian Federation | March 2021

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This report is a part of the outputs under the regional regional initiative “Mitigating the Socio-Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrants and Communities in Central Asia and the Russian Federation”, which is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and implemented by IOM. The objective of this project is to strengthen the evidence-based formulation and implementation of humanitarian and development policy and programming on migration and COVID-19 related challenges in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and the Russian Federation through the use of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM). The report was written by Vittorio Bruni. Further editorial support was provided by IOM’s Global DTM Support Team. Survey questions were designed with key inputs from IOM Labour Mobility and Human Development Unit, and Labour Health Division. Survey data was collected and analyzed using IOM’s Dis- placement Tracking Matrix (DTM) tool, with technical guidance and support from IOM’s Regional Office for South-Eastern Europe, Eastern Europe and Central Asia and the Global DTM Support Team.


  • Introduction 
  • Executive Summary 
  • Methodology 
    • Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) 
    • Geographical Location Coverage 
    • Data Collection Implementation 
    • Sample Size 
    • Data limitations 
  • Data Analysis 
    • Thematic Area 1 – Sociodemographic Profile
    • Thematic Area 2 – Reasons for Migration 
    • Thematic Area 3 – Reasons for Return 
    • Thematic Area 4 – Employment Situation 
    • Thematic Area 5 – COVID-19 Impacts and Needs 
  • Conclusion 
    • Summary of Findings 
    • Recommendations 
  • Data Analysis 
    • Thematic Area 1 – Sociodemographic Profile 
    • Thematic Area 2 – Migration Trajectory 
    • Thematic Area 3 – Remittances 
    • Thematic Area 4 – Employment Situation 
    • Thematic Area 5 – COVID-19 Impacts and Needs 
  • Conclusion 
    • Summary of Findings 
    • Recommendations