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The Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Training Manual (Facilitators' Guide)

In 2011, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Member States focused on the need to develop capacity on this theme at an intersessional workshop of the International Dialogue on Migration in March. Capacity needs in three main areas were identified: (a) building knowledge and improving data collection; (b) strengthening policy, institutional, administrative and legal frameworks; and (c) reinforcing operational and technical capacities.

IOM’s Programme and Activities on Capacity Building on Migration, Environment, Climate Change are in line with Paragraph 14(f) of the Cancun Adaptation Framework, which first brought the notion of human mobility to international climate negotiations, the Paris Agreement and COP21 Decision, and the Marrakesh Accords on Capacity Building in developing countries (Decision 2/CP.7).

To respond to the increasing urgency to address human mobility and climate change, IOM has developed a standardized Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Training Manual (Facilitator’s Guide).

The Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Training Manual (Facilitators’ Guide) provides an in-depth overview on the concepts of the migration-environment nexus, mobility and disasters and slow-onset events, data, legal issues, regional perspectives, and a step-by-step road map on how to integrate human mobility into policies including climate change adaptation policies. The Training Manual was developed through a process of collaboration with MECLEP partners, experts and policymakers and has been pilot tested in seven countries before its release.

This participatory training tool is available in English, French, Spanish, Russian and Azerbaijani to respond to the global demand and allow to build capacities of States.


Objectives and focus

The Training Manual – developed as part of a global project to build evidence and capacity on the issue – seeks to address the following objectives:

  • Deepen understanding of the key concepts and issues;
  • Stimulate  and equip policymakers to reflect on policy options available and examples of good practice;
  • Facilitate policy dialogue across policy sectors;
  • Support the development of policy frameworks at national and regional levels;
  • Enhance the capacity of policymakers to contribute to key policy processes, in particular the climate negotiations and national and regional disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate policies; and
  • Contribute through sharing this knowledge and training sessions also to more practical on-the-ground activities addressing the migration-environment nexus.

The modules build on pilot IOM training workshops held in Republic of Korea (2013), Colombia (2013), United Republic of Tanzania and Chile (2014), and the MECLEP country training workshops (2015).

The Training Manual was developed with the financial support of the European Union and the IOM Development Fund, whose wider support to the development of capacity on this issue is to be recognized.

This manual is available for trainers implementing IOM's migration, environment and capacity-building programme. To schedule training sessions, please contact: mecchq@iom.int.




  • Foreword
  • Module 1, A: The Migration-Environment Nexus
  • Module 1, B: The Migration-Environment Nexus
  • Module 2: Disasters and Mobility
  • Module 3: Mobility and slow processes of environmental change
  • Module 4: Data Issues
  • Module 5: Legal Perspectives
  • Module 6: Regional Focus
  • Module 7: Integrating Mobility into National Climate Change Policies
  • Annex