Middle East and North Africa – Regional Strategy 2020–2024

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Middle East and North Africa – Regional Strategy 2020–2024

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The IOM Regional Strategy for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) promotes the resilience of migrants while enhancing safe mobility and migration governance. Recognizing the fragility and the conflict-affected nature of the region, the Regional Strategy emphasizes the need to integrate socioeconomic, political and environmental solutions as part of the overall approach to make a tangible difference in the lives of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the region. 


Migration and displacement are key features with several key migration patterns: labour migration, mixed migration and forced migration. The MENA region has been severely affected by several ongoing conflicts and violence, which have created diversified patterns of migration and displacement across the region. Hence, the Regional Strategy pursues the objectives of resilience, mobility and governance, and further aspires to support governments and regional stakeholders in strengthening their humanitarian commitments to promote the rights and well-being of migrants. It aims to enhance the response to crises and disasters and strengthen institutional development within the region. It seeks to achieve these by connecting the United Nations’ larger peacebuilding objectives and frameworks with the MENA region, and targets the creation of an environment to enable sustainable recovery regionally and beyond.

  • Foreword 
  • Acronyms 
  • 1. Introduction 
    • 1.1. Vision statement 2020–2024 
    • 1.2. Pillars and objectives  
  • 2. Political and institutional outlook for the region 
    • 2.1. Programming and policy 
    • 2.2. Strategic partnerships 
    • 2.3. Building the evidence base 
  • 3. Migration outlook for the region 
    • 3.1. North Africa 
    • 3.2. Middle East 
    • 3.3. Gulf Cooperation Council countries and Yemen  
    • 3.4. Regional outlook and key areas of intervention  
  • 4. Regional strategic priorities  
    • 4.1. Resilience 
    • 4.2. Mobility 
    • 4.3. Governance 
  • 5. Institutional development 
    • 5.1. Research and policy  
    • 5.2. Strategic communication and innovation  
    • 5.3. Staff development and welfare 
  • 6. Concluding statement: IOM in the region in 2024
  • Annex: IOM in the Middle East and North Africa