International Migration Vol. 61 (2) April 2023

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International Migration Vol. 61 (2) April 2023
International Migration is a refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world. The journal is edited by Koç University and published and distributed by Wiley. The editor at Koç University is responsible for the direction and content of the journal.
Electronic version available from Wiley-Science. Click here.
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- Issue Information
- Regulation of migrant entrepreneurship: The strained conjunction of laws, policies and practices
- Much ado about very little: The dubious connection between ethnic minority business policy and ethnic minority entrepreneurship
- A level playing field for migrant entrepreneurs? The legal and policy landscape across EU and OECD countries
- Do welfare policies matter for immigrant entrepreneurship? An analysis in the context of France
- The multi-scalar embeddedness of support policies for migrant entrepreneurship in Japan
- Swedish migration policy liberalization and new immigrant entrepreneurs
- The regulatory environment for migrant and women entrepreneurs
- Labour segmentation and outmigration in Japan: Evidence using firm–worker matching data
- COVID-19 and threats to irregular migrants in Kuwait and the Gulf
- US and them: Job quality differences between natives and immigrants in Europe
- Transnational Turkish–German community in limbo. Consequences of political tensions between migrant receiving and sending countries
- Mediterranean thinking in migration studies: A methodological regionalism approach
- Risky journeys – Risk and decision-making among potential irregular migrants in Senegal and Guinea
- Being “top-ranked” without “causing troubles”: Comparing federal and provincial immigration pathways for Chinese international students in Canada
- Labour market integration of FRY refugees in Sweden vs. Denmark
- Mainstreaming ‘gender’ and ‘integration’ needs in human development initiatives: Asian and African migrant women's integration in Europe
- A study of Italian young adults’ transnational mobility to Australia: The reproduction of unequal trajectories in the host society
- Free versus regulated migration: Comparing the wages of the New Zealand-born, other migrants and the Australia-born workers in Australia
- Conflicting temporalities and the unsustainability of the Italian model of migrant personal care assistant
- Measuring residential segregation in multi-ethnic and unequal European cities
- In search of children's best interest
- The stories behind stories: Reflections on the role of voice in research with unaccompanied refugee youth
- Avoiding the Re-traumatization of unaccompanied immigrant youth in the United States
- Schultz, Sussane U. “Failed” Migratory Adventures? Malian Men Facing Conditions Post Deportation in Southerner Mali. pp. 233
- Skeldon, Ronald (2021) Advanced Introduction to Migration Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 176