Remittances and Diaspora Engagement in South Sudan

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Remittances and Diaspora Engagement in South Sudan

A policy research with a focus on the South Sudanese community in Australia

This is a policy research on remittances and diasporas engagement in South Sudan. It uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis and conducted jointly with the Governmental technical advisory group of South Sudan.

  • Foreword (Ministry of Finance and Planning) 
  • Foreword (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation)
  • Foreword (Chief of Mission)
  • Acknowledgements 
  • List of tables
  • List of figures
  • List of text boxes
  • Acronyms and abbreviations
  • Executive summary
  • Introduction
  • 1. The country context of South Sudan
    • 1.1. Stakeholder analysis
    • 1.2. The legal framework on diaspora engagement and remittances in 
    • South Sudan
      • 1.2.1. Diaspora engagement framework
      • 1.2.2. Remittances framework
      • 1.2.3. The persistence of an informal and unauthorized remittance 
      • framework in South Sudan
    • 1.3. Key challenges to leverage migrant remittances and engage the diaspora in South Sudan
    • 1.4. Reinforcing the role of public authorities in South Sudan for the diaspora engagement
  • 2. The current state of remittances in South Sudan
    • 2.1. Remittance flows
      • 2.1.1. South Sudan has not yet developed a data collection system of its remittance flows
    • 2.2. The significance of remittances: A part of the migrant income and a moral obligation
    • 2.3. The employment of monetary remittances in South Sudan
    • 2.4. Remittance operators in South Sudan
      • 2.4.1. Money transfer operators in South Sudan for domestic and international remittances
      • 2.4.2. Mobile money and the telecommunication sector in South Sudan
      • 2.4.3. The banking system in South Sudan
      • 2.4.4. The microfinance sector in South Sudan
    • 2.5. Costs of remitting
      • 2.5.1. The making of the remittance cost
      • 2.5.2. The costs for domestic and international transfers to South Sudan
      • 2.5.3. Simulation of remittance costs from the United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia to South Sudan
  • 3. Remittances from a gender perspective: From Australia to South Sudan
    • 3.1. Women receiving remittances
    • 3.2. Women sending remittances
      • 3.2.1. Women sending entrepreneurial remittances
  • 4. The South Sudanese community in Australia
    • 4.1. Estimating the presence of South Sudanese in Australia
    • 4.2. The language spoken at home
    • 4.3. Geographical distribution
    • 4.4. Work occupation
      • 4.4.1. Barriers in the labour market
    • 4.5. The integration process in Australia and coexisting generations of South Sudanese–Australians
      • 4.5.1. Intergenerational change
      • 4.5.2. Negative stereotyping
    • 4.6. Transnational linkages and South Sudanese groups in Australia
      • 4.6.1. The establishment of South Sudanese organizations in Australia
    • 4.7. Collective remittances for development and solidarity purposes
    • 4.8. The requests of the diaspora in Australia to the Government of 
    • South Sudan
  • 5. The South Sudanese diaspora in Australia and investments in South Sudan
    • 5.1. The investment climate in South Sudan
    • 5.2. Factors affecting the diaspora to invest in South Sudan
    • 5.3. The experience of some South Sudanese investors from Australia
      • 5.3.1. Remittances and investments
      • 5.3.2. Negative stories of return and personal investment
      • 5.3.3. Young generations and future engagement
    • 5.4. Enabling factors and challenges for the diaspora to invest in South Sudan
      • 5.4.1. Access to credit
      • 5.4.2. Investing and returning to South Sudan
    • 5.5. Is South Sudan ready to engage its diaspora as investor?
  • 6. Policy recommendations
    • 6.1. Policy recommendations to reinforce the remittance framework in South Sudan
    • 6.2. Policy recommendations to build a diaspora engagement strategy in South Sudan
  • List of terminologies
  • Annex 1. Comments from the survey respondents
  • Annex 2. List of associations and groups of South Sudanese mapped in Australia
  • Annex 3. Consultations carried out
  • Annex 4. Summary of policy recommendations
  • Annex 5. Detailed information on remittances to South Sudan and diaspora engagement from Australia
  • Annex 6. Detailed information of the costs to remit to South Sudan
  • Annex 7. Country of birth
  • Annex 8. Number of South Sudan-born in major suburbs, Victoria
  • Annex 9. Detailed information of the costs to remit to South Sudan
  • Annex 10. Country of birth of humanitarian migrants in Australia
  • Annex 11. Language spoken
  • Annex 12. Language spoken at home by South Sudanese born – Australia
  • Annex 13. Geographic distribution of South Sudan-born in Victoria
  • Annex 14. Diaspora investment readiness index for South Sudan
  • Annex 15. The diaspora investment assessment template
  • Annex 16. Self-assessment template for diaspora engagement
  • Bibliography