2020: A Year in Review

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2020: A Year in Review

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2020: A Year In Review is a report of the accomplishments of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)'s Mission in Bulgaria attained in a year marked by border closures and public health measures which prompted us all to swiftly reorganize our lives. Migration and the activities of IOM worldwide did not remain unaffected, with many people, including migrants, bound to be facing its implications in the years to come.

Despite difficulties posed by an extraordinary reality, IOM Bulgaria managed to adapt in a timely manner and respond to the exigencies of the situation of vulnerable migrants in the country.

This report describes the efforts of IOM Bulgaria relating to, among others, its:

  • Protection programme (via deployment of mobile protection teams and running 24/7 two Safety Zones for unaccompanied minors);
  • Counter-trafficking programme (providing assistance, return and reintegration support to victims of trafficking);
  • Integration programme (organizing Bulgarian language lessons to migrants, information events, thematic workshops, partaking in Global Migration Film Festival 2020);
  • Assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) programme;
  • Capacity-building activities (holding trainings and online events).