Training Manual: Caring for Trafficked Persons

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Training Manual: Caring for Trafficked Persons

The development of this training manual represents a major step towards standardizing the response to trafficking and strengthening protection services for identified victims of trafficking within the Zimbabwean context. Victims of trafficking have various needs, including repatriation, medical, mental health and psychosocial assistance, and livelihood or income-generating support. This manual is designed to assist government departments, non-governmental organizations  and shelter staff involved in the caring of trafficked persons by providing practical guidance on understanding their short- and long-term needs and considering appropriate approaches to caring for them within a human rights framework.

  • Foreword
  • Acknowledgements
  • List of figures
  • List of tables
  • Introduction
    • Structure and target group of the training manual
  • Module 1. Understanding Human Trafficking
    • Overview 
    • Objectives
    • 1.1. What is human trafficking?
    • 1.2. Key drivers of human trafficking in Zimbabwe
    • 1.3. How traffickers control their victims
    • 1.4. Human trafficking versus human smuggling
  • Module 2. International, Regional and National Legal Frameworks
    • Overview 
    • Objective 
    • 2.1. International and regional frameworks 
    • 2.2. National legislation 
    • 2.3. National institutional framework
  • Module 3. Identifying Victims of Trafficking
    • Overview 
    • Objectives
    • 3.1. Who is responsible for identification? 
    • 3.2. Stages of victim identification 
  • Module 4. Direct Assistance
    • Overview
    • Objectives 
    • 4.1. Understanding the needs of trafficked persons 
    • 4.2. Basic principles of protection and direct assistance
    • 4.3. Services and assistance to victims of trafficking
    • 4.4. Victim referral
    • 4.5. Monitoring of reintegration
    • 4.6. Reporting and information-sharing 
  • ANNEX 1. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime
  • ANNEX 2. Shelter Guidelines
  • Bibliography