Protecting Migrant Workers in Indo-Pacific Supply Chains: A Good Practice Guide for Businesses and Bali Process Member States

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Protecting Migrant Workers in Indo-Pacific Supply Chains: A Good Practice Guide for Businesses and Bali Process Member States

The Protecting Migrant Workers in Indo-Pacific Supply Chains: A Good Practice Guide for Business and Bali Process Member State (Indo-Pacific Supply Chain Guide) presents a range of good practices and scalable solutions for businesses and the Bali Process Member States to protect migrant workers from labour exploitation, in line with the Bali Process Declaration, especially Government and Business Forum (GABF) commitments expressed in the Acknowledge, Act, Advance (AAA) recommendations, and the Global Compact for Migration.

By doing so, the document offers guidance on how to “acknowledge the scale of human trafficking and labour exploitation in international supply chains, act to strengthen and implement preventive policies and legal frameworks and advance these efforts through increased public-private collaboration, including through GABF”

This compendium is part of ongoing efforts to build on the momentum driven by governments and the private sector to strengthen and mainstream migrant workers’ protection against  exploitative  practices.

This publication was made possible through support and funding provided by the Regional Support Office of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Person and Related Transnational Crime (Bali Process) and the Government of Australia as part the IOM’s Migration, Business and Human Rights (MBHR) Asia Initiative.

This publication was issued without formal editing by IOM.

This publication was issued without RES Unit endorsement.

  • Acronyms
  • Introduction
  • Purpose
  • Structure of the guide
    • Migrant worker-centric and systems-based policies or laws 
    • Transparency
    • Multi-stakeholder initiatives and working with external stakeholders
    • Embracing continuous improvement
  • Good practices
    • Migrant worker-centric and systems-based policies or laws
    • Transparency
    • Multi-stakeholder initiatives and working with external stakeholders
    • Embracing continuous improvement
  • Methodology