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Towards Resilience in South Sudan

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has many decades of experience in cash-based interventions (CBI) across multiple countries and programmes. More recently, the growing relevance of CBI in the humanitarian context has propelled IOM to scale up the use of this response modality in emergency operations. In late 2016, after almost three years of protracted conflict in South Sudan, the Shelter and Non-Food Items Cluster started to explore opportunities for implementing more sustainable and cost-efficient approaches to respond to the needs of the displaced South Sudanese in the protection of civilian (PoC) sites. The overarching objective was to gradually move away from top-down in-kind distributions to resilience-based approaches led and owned by the affected population in emergency settings. This photobook showcases two interventions implemented by IOM South Sudan in Wau and Bentiu PoC sites through market-based interventions. The first intervention, implemented between December 2016 and March 2017, focused on shelter upgrades in Wau PoC site through a combination of restricted vouchers and cash-for-work approach. The second project, implemented between November and March 2018, facilitated the provision of fuel-efficient stoves to 90 per cent of the households displaced in Bentiu PoC site through a similar approach by using enhanced local solutions and locally sourced resources. Through active engagement and effective partnership with traditional authorities, traders and women and youth groups, the CBI programme transferred expertise and knowledge to communities to equip them with life skills and improve the living conditions of the affected population. The communities played a central role throughout the project through the following: (a) informing beneficiaries and the wider communities about the CBI programme; (b) responding to feedback/complaints, and (c) organizing skills trainings. Thereby, the programme contributed to the following: (a) restoring the dignity of the communities; (b) improving the local economy; and (c) strengthening the self-sufficiency of the affected population, and hopefully leaves communities to be better prepared in their current situation, upon return to their areas of origin, or in other locations of settlement in the future.