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Technical Border Needs Assessment: Armenia (Site Visits to Bavra BCP and Zvartnots International Airport)

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The Technical Needs Assessment of border crossing control points addresses the border infrastructure available at the time of the assessment.

The assessment was conducted within the framework of IOM’s "Capacity building for the Border control detachment of the Border guards troops under the Armenian National security service" Project funded by the US DoS Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL).

  • Eexcutive summary
  • Chapter 1 - Bavra border crossing point
  • Chapter 2 - Zvartnots International Airport
  • Chapter 3 - Bilateral Meeting with Border Authorities, as well as visit to the new border guards headquarters and training facilities
  • Chapter 4 - Summary list of recommendations

This publication has been issued without formal editing by the Publications Unit of IOM.