Supporting Brighter Futures: Young women and girls and labour migration in South-East Asia and the Pacific
Supporting Brighter Futures: Young Women and Girls and Labour Migration in South-East Asia and the Pacific explores and critically examines the existing evidence base on key aspects of the topic so as to inform potential policy and programmatic responses designed to enhance labour migration impacts for young women and girls in South-East Asia and the Pacific. This publication entails a desk-based review of the current published evidence base and provides a knowledge “stocktake” for those involved in the ongoing development, delivery and refinement of related policy and programmatic interventions in the region.
This research publication was made possible through support provided by the Gender Equality Branch of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
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- Foreword
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- Young women and girls left behind: Causes and consequences by Theodora Lam
- Young women and girls’ migration and education: Understanding the multiple relations by Roy Huijsmans
- Intergenerational cycles of migrating for work: Young women and girls migrating for work in South-East Asia and the Pacific by Harriot Beazley
- Young women and girls as providers for households of origin by Lan Anh Hoang
- Trafficking of young women and girls in South-East Asia: A review of existing evidence by Sallie Yea
- Irregular migration and smuggling of young women and girls in South-East Asia and the Pacific: A review of existing evidence by Andreas Schloenhardt