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The State of Environmental Migration 2015 - A review of 2014

The State of Environmental Migration series gathers the expertise of researchers, students and professionals to provide an annual assessment of the changing nature and dynamics of environment- and climate-related migration throughout the world.

The State of Environmental Migration 2015: Review of the Year 2014 is the fifth of the annual publications aiming to enhance understanding of natural disasters, sudden natural onset events and slow onset events, and their links to human mobility. The publication is not only focused on 2014 events but also considers the longer-term impacts of a natural event on migration, as they can be assessed with the state of knowledge existing in 2014. It also reviews the developments at policy level relating to migration, climate and the environment. Written in collaboration with students enrolled in the environment and migration course at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) of Sciences Po, this report examines the issue of environmental migration, by analysing case studies selected by students.

IOM is particularly concerned with human mobility matters in the context of environmental degradation and a changing climate. This new volume of the State of Environmental Migration is also part of IOM’s commitment to provide information and knowledge on different environmental migration issues and to engage with academic partners in the development of research, data and publications.

  • Introduction
  • Africa
    • A Shrinking Lake and a Rising Insurgency
    • Violence and Displacement in Northern Nigeria
  • Asia-Pacific
    • Floods and Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh
    • Drought in Tharparkar: From Seasonal to Forced Migration
    • Cancer Villages in China
    • Displacement and Resettlement Following the Ludian Earthquake in China
    • The Jakarta floods of Early 2014: Rising Risks in one of the World’s Fastest Sinking Cities
    • From Vunidogoloa to Kenani: An Insight into Successful Relocation 
  • The Americas
    • When Mining Moves People: Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement in La Guajira, Colombia
    • The Correlation between Environmental Disasters and Migration Trends in Chiapas, Mexico
  • Europe
    • The May 2014 Floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi: An Environmental and Human-Rights Disaster
  • Biographies