Original Language
Number of Pages
115 pages
Year of Publication

Psychosocial Support to Groups of Victims of Human Trafficking in Transit Situations

The psychosocial assistance provided to victims of trafficking in a Transit Center has to deal with the trauma provoked by past experiences and the expectations for life in the future and its accompanying problems. Helping the women to bridge the gap between their perceptions of the future with the realities they face is one of the primary aims of the assistance provided in the Transit Center, as important as the first re-elaboration of the traumatic experiences they faced in the past.The present, which is usually the center of psychosocial work, plays a very different therapeutic role in this setting. Indeed the present is a suspended time, a time in which action is limited, decontextualized and fictional,but also a time which gives space for reflection, re-elaboration, preparation, training and projection.A Transit Center for Foreign victims of trafficking is a transitional experience in between the hell of abuse, exploitation, slavery and violence, and the presumed heaven upon return to the home country. Any kind of assistance provided in a Transit Center, from medical to legal, from psychological to vocational, has to consider this "transitional" issue, which has symbolic as well as practical implications.The Transit Center for Foreign Victims of Trafficking in the Republic of Macedonia was opened in April 2001. In the years since then, it has hosted more than 700 foreign victims of trafficking: women only, including female minors. The overall assistance program provided to trafficked victims focuses primarily on their psychosocial rehabilitation. The psychosocial assistance currently provided in the Transit Center consists of: direct assistance, individual counseling, therapeutic workshops, vocational training and recreational activities, special care for minors and health education.

  • Preface
  • Introduction: "In Between": Working with Survivors of Trafficking in Transit Situations
  • General Consideration on the Psychological Aspects of the Trafficking Phenomenon
  • Psychosocial Support Program for Female Survivors of Trafficking: A Systemic and Family-Oriented Approach
  • "It's Hard to Make Roots" Dramatherapy, Playtherapy, and Creative Theatre
  • 5 Day Workshop at the Shelter for Survivors of Human Trafficking
  • "Self-Portraits" The Elaboration of Experience through a Psychosocial Approach
  • The NGO Inclusion in the Transit Center