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Needs Assessment in the Nigerian Education Sector

Statistics from the Central Bank of Nigeria indicate that in 2012 Nigerians living abroad remitted USD 21 billion to Nigeria. As a result of such evidence, it has been acknowledged that this is a potential source that can contribute to national development. The evidence generally focused on financial contributions of remittances and investments. There has been an increased awareness of the diaspora population’s non-financial contribution to national development. In addition to remittances, it is recognized that diaspora members can be encouraged to contribute their competencies in critical sectors such as education and health.

The purpose of the needs assessment of the education sector was to identify skill and competency gaps in the sector and provide the Government with recommendations on how the gaps could be addressed. The data gathered would assist the Government to establish a matching system to mobilize the diaspora for national development through a pilot scheme to encourage the temporary or permanent return of highly skilled diaspora members so that they can contribute to national development in the education sector.

This report has six chapters. It defines the methodology used in gathering the information, identifies skills and competency gaps in the education sector, and suggests a number of strategies for addressing them. The data collected is analysed and the presentation of the results is organized thematically to cover the five specific objectives of the assessment. 

Both quantitative and qualitative data obtained from relevant stakeholders are analysed. The report highlights the modalities for diaspora engagement and identifies existing diaspora programmes that can be leveraged on.

The conclusions and recommendations are organized in themes, highlighting the interventions that the Government needs to make in order to persuade the diaspora to return home to contribute to national development even in the short term.

  • List of Tables
  • List of Figures
  • Acronyms and Abbreviations
  • Executive Summary
  • I. Introduction
  • II. Methodology
  • III. Overview of the Nigerian Education Sector
  • IV. Review of Documents and Policies
  • V. Results and Discussion
  • VI. Conclusion and Recommendations
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix 1
  • Appendix 2