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National Policy on Labour Migration 2014

The protection of Nigerian migrant workers abroad has become necessary because of their vulnerability to discrimination, extortion, arbitrary detention, hazardous working conditions, deportation, rape, violence and even murder. Nigerian migrant workers, particularly those working in the informal sectors and those in irregular situations, are the most vulnerable. To curb the illegal activities of Nigerian migrant workers and also address their vulnerabilities, Nigeria has leveraged many international conventions to review, enact, and implement legislations to promote human rights and offer protection to its citizens abroad. One of such legislations is the National Policy on Labour Migration.

The policy was borne out of the need to protect and promote the welfare of Nigerian migrant workers abroad, promote regular migration while curtailing irregular migration as well as provide prospective migrants information about the conditions governing entry, residence and work in destination countries. The policy has three main goals: i) promote good governance of labour migration; ii) protect migrant workers and promote their welfare and that of their families left behind; iii) optimize the benefits of labour migration on development while mitigating its adverse impact. It contains an institutional framework and a detailed action plan for its implementation. In addition, the Policy contains the United Nations and International Labour Organization Conventions relating to labour migration that have been ratified by Nigeria, and the national legislation relating to labour migration in Nigeria.


  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements
  • Abbreviations And Acronyms
  • Part 1
    • 1.1 Introduction
    • 1.2 Rationale
    • 1.3 Vision
    • 1.4 Mission
    • 1.5 Overall Objectives
    • 1.6 Specific Objectives
  • Part 2
    • 2.1 Promotion of good governance in labour migration
  • Part 3
    • 3.1 Protection of migrant workers and promotion of their welfare
    • 3.2 Protection
    • 3.3 Equality of treatment
    • 3.4 Enforcement of labour standards and contracts
    • 3.5 Orientation programmes
    • 3.6 Private employment agencies
    • 3.7 External protection or protection at destination
    • 3.8 Migrant welfare programmes and funds
  • Part 4
    • 4.1 Optimizing the benefits of labour migration for development
    • 4.2 Mainstreaming migrant workers’ contributions into national development plans
    • 4.3 Linking labour migration and employment
    • 4.4 Enhancing skills development to meet national and international needs
    • 4.5 Enhancing the developmental impact of remittances
    • 4.6 Facilitating reintegration of returning migrants
    • 4.7 Negotiation of bilateral agreements with labour-receiving and labour-sending countries
    • 4.8 Linking with the pool of expertise in Nigerian transnational communities
  • Part 5
    • 5.1 Institutional framework for policy implementation
    • 5.2 Coordination mechanisms
    • 5.3 Membership of the technical working committee
    • 5.4 Social Partner Advisory Committee
    • 5.5 Resource mobilization
    • 5.6 Monitoring, evaluation and review
  • Annexes